Tuesday, August 21

Pretty Keys: DIY

I like pretty things. Sometimes I like ugly things because they're funny, but mostly, I like my things to be pretty. And the brass keys for my apartment? Not so pretty. I had seen a picture of some pretty keys on Pinterest forever ago, and while I didn't actually look at the link for a how-to, I felt inspired! The first key I prettied is the glitter key pictured above! I mean, come on, how cute is that? ;)

The next key on my "to-pretty" list? The brass key pictured above. 

- a copy of the key you want to paint*
- painter's tape 
- nail polish you'd like to use {I used glitter polish for the key in the first photo}
- top coat nail polish
*I needed a copy because my key is an apartment key that I'll have to return eventually, plus I like the silver better than brass... But you may not need a copy if you're painting an original!

Tape off the top section of the key for painting {or if you're a super neat painter, risk it tape-free!}.

Paint your key with polish! Be sure to coat the sides and the inside of the key ring hole as well. Be generous with the polish, smoothing it as you go. 
After the first coat has dried for a few minutes, paint on a second coat {just like you would your nails}. 

To keep my key from touching any surfaces while it dried, I taped the key into the tape roll as pictured. 
Basically, peel back the loose tape end, hold the key against the roll far enough from the end of the tape that the tape will cover over the key, and press the loose tape end to the roll over the key. 

Once the second coat has dried sufficiently, add a generous layer of the top coat polish to all areas of the key, including the sides and key ring hole. 

After your top coat is reasonably dry {about an hour or so}, peel off your tape and clean up any paint mishaps. And voila! You've got pretty keys! 

Did you notice that my nail polish matches my key? Pahaha, stylin'... Use different colors for different keys and you'll have a replacement for durable, long lasting "key covers" on the cheap!
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