Thursday, November 15

Life, c/o Instgram

① so many boxes @ work  ② braids  ③ a "just because" rose  ④ sparkly feet on the warmest fall day   boyfriend pumps my gas {#spoiled}   panda-monium   boots & leaf piles   Halloween parties with my bestie   a car full of wood & craft supplies  ⑩ sweater tights, corduroy skirt & metallic top siders   fabric shopping is best shopping  ⑫ homemade soy candles

Life is good. I had to scrape the ice off my car this morning and put on my winter coat for the first time, but whatcha gonna' do, right? I DO live in the mitten state... 

I've got lots of crafty tutorials coming up soon.. The challenge is just getting home while the sun is still up so that I can take pretty bloggy photos. ;) 
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  1. Yayyyy I'm on here!!!! I love you best friend :))))))))))


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