Wednesday, January 2

A Fresh Start

In the past few days, I've seen a zillion posts about looking back and looking ahead, and this one isn't going to be much different. 

2011 was a great year for me overall. I fell in love. I transferred to a college that is much more me than my previous school. I discovered a passion for health education. I lost over 25 pounds doing Weight Watchers with my mom. I aced my classes. I moved out my parent's house and out of the dorms, into a house with my cousin. I was generally a really happy girl in 2011. 

Unfortunately the end of 2011 was not so kind: My grandfather passed away rather suddenly a few days before Thanksgiving. My uncle had a massive heart "thing" during which he was airlifted to a hospital for emergency surgery. The aunt and uncle I am closest to and have always admired separated. 

I was still optimistic at that year's end; I was determined to keep on keepin' on. I tend to do that though, ignore things thinking that will keep any problems from developing only to have it all fall apart later with me totally unprepared. All these family issues I mentioned set me up for a pretty rough and rocky year. 

In 2012, my weight loss that I was so proud of and encouraged by was completed derailed by grandpa's death coupled with the holiday season, and I just could not get back on track. My relationship with my cousin/roommate grew strained and eventually fell apart. I freaked out and broke up with my loving boyfriend because of all my unresolved issues. I spent too much money. I floundered in a few classes, succeeded in others. And I gained back more than half of the weight I'd lost in 2011. 

2012 was generally kind of sucky. Granted, I did move into my first solo apartment, strengthened my relationship with the boy I am hopelessly in love with, rediscovered who I am and want to be, switched my major back to a real passion of mine, and started this bloggy-blog.

2012... Kind of a wash. 2013 is going to be better. I have big, beautiful, exciting plans for this year, intimidating as they may be. I am graduating college (!!!), planning to get a new place with Scotty when my lease is up, making my creative passions a priority, budgetting my money and my calories, and working towards a healthier life.

Here's to the future, a fresh start. 

What are you goals for the new year?
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  1. Here's to a much better 2013 for ya. Filled with lots of crochet and crafty projects. My goal for this year is to learn to sew, because I got a sewing machine for Christmas. Epps!!

  2. Your blog is great and you are a very energetic and creative person! You write with honesty and consistency - Keep up the great work!


Thank you so much for your interest in my post! I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)