Tuesday, March 5

Thank You ♥♥

photo from Sweet Mae Designs on Etsy
This little blog has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few weeks, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank all you beautiful readers who took the time to look through this labor of love and found it good enough to follow along for a bit. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.

Maybe discussing stats is tacky, but just a few weeks ago, there were 7 total followers listed in my GFC widget to the left, and now that number has more than quadrupled. Google Reader subscribers have more than doubled, and numbers have increased on other feeds as well.

I am truly humbled by your support, and have no words for how much this growth means to me. I hope that you will stay tuned for more crafty projects, brief ramblings, and snapshots into my world.

let's connect ---> facebook // instagram // twitter // pinterest // rss


  1. Congrats on the growth of your blog! I can see why it's grown so much, it rocks! You do beautiful crafts and I admire your crocheting skills. I love to crochet as well and maybe you'd like to hop over to my blog to see what I've made. I can't wait to have a better nosy around your blog tomorrow when I have more time!

    Proud new follower,
    Shannah <3

  2. Congratulations on the growth of your blog!!



Thank you so much for your interest in my post! I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)