Monday, April 22

WhimseyBox String Art

As I mentioned in my WhimseyBox review post, March's project was sting art with bakers twine. While I was disappointed in the box overall, I figured I may as well use the supplies.  This project worked up quickly in an afternoon.

The box came with design templates, but I decided to make my own design in honor of my little blog (MonMakes Things = MMT). I used Adobe InDesign to make a design in the size of my wood block, printed the design, and put nails into the corners of each graphic element. Then I simply wound the bakers twine around each graphic element, tying off and gluing string ends where needed. And ta-da! 

Of course, you could change this up by staining or painting your board, using a different string material, and making your own custom design. I'm pretty happy with my little project. :) And I love having something that reminds me of the blog and my goals on display in my apartment. Of course, it still isn't the project I was hoping for from WhimseyBox, but what're ya gonna do? 

Have you ever made a string art project? Or do you want to? They're really pretty simple! 

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  1. I love that you tied the project to your blog. I've not tried string art yet. It seems like it could be a bit tricky, but fun to do.

    I've wondered about the Whimsey Box too, so it's interesting to hear your thoughts on it. :)

  2. I haven't tried string art yet, perhaps will try it someday!
    I like that you personalized your project!

    I also read your Whimsey Box review, good to hear your thoughts on that!

    P.S. I love your pics!;)


Thank you so much for your interest in my post! I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)